MIDI program welcomes students and teachers from Roong Aroon School

On the 31st of January 2022, the MIDI program of the School of Architecture and Design (SoA+D), KMUTT led by Ajarn Kamonsin Chathurattaphol, a representative of the MIDI program, welcomed a group of teachers and 40 students (who are interested in practicing their entrepreneurial skills) from Roong Aroon School to the KMUTT Knowledge Xchange for Innovation Center (KX Building). Moreover, the visitors were introduced to our MIDI program (Multiple Intelligences for Design Integration) and then went to Jacob Jensen Design (JJD) studio, one of KMUTT’s partners, to learn about product design and branding services. Also, they were given a tour of the Vulcan Coalition’s works with handicapped people, which was followed by a visit to the KX Rooftop Farm.

MIDI (Multiple Intelligences for Design Integration) is not a design program. It is a program that allows students to use their creativity and innovation to start their own businesses. It is a collaboration among KMUTT’s SoA+D (School of Architecture and Design), GMI (Graduate School of Management), and FIBO (Institute of Field Robotics). As a result, innovation is an alchemical process involving the perfect blend of design, business, and technology.


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